Dr. Sanduk Ruit, Chairperson

Dr. Sanduk Ruit is a respected eye surgeon who was awarded Magsaysay Award in 2006 for his work to bring back eyesight of the poor in countries including Nepal, China, India, Bangladesh, Cambodia. In 2006, he and his team performed sight-restoring surgery in North Korea on over 1,000 patients in six days. He devised an […]

Dr. Chandra Prasad Pokharel, Vice Chairperson

Dr. Chandra Prasad Pokharel, Faculty of Central Department of Botany Tribhuvan University, obtained his M.Sc. degree in Botany and MA in Anthropology from Tribhuvan University, and Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Science from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Dr. Pokhrel is Associate Academician at Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) and a member of the Climate […]